For Families
Arizona’s #1 Behavioral Health Residential Provider
“Orion Homes has always been great, they have always took good care of my son. Always done a great job and I think very highly of Orion group homes and all of their employees. They have gone above and beyond preparing staff and management for the members they work with. I’m thankful for all the years of excellent care they have provided for my son.” – John V., father of resident since 2006
“I am deeply gratified to the staff at Orion Homes for the care and compassion given to my brother and others in their care. It takes understanding, love and much patience for the work they do. Thank you.” – Cecelia A., sister of resident since 2008
Healthcare that feels like home
Orion’s 16 licensed residential settings offer safe, comfortable, family-oriented living environments in residential neighborhoods throughout Maricopa County. Our staff provide 24-hour supervision and assistance, 7 days a week to ensure health & safety, promote good personal hygiene, and foster the development of coping skills, self-awareness, social skills and community involvement.
Friends and family are always welcome to visit our homes. Family involvement is a vital component to the overall success of our resident’s treatment. Orion Homes is committed to integrating family members throughout the treatment process. This begins prior to admission, when we seek family input regarding their loved one’s personality and preferences. During initial treatment planning, family input will help provide the framework for building an individualized and specific course of care. Throughout treatment, we encourage the family to maintain consistent involvement in the process, including visiting the home when possible.
Orion is proud of the opportunities its community programs provide to our residents. Our educational program allows residents to acquire computer, organizational and communication skills which will benefit them in all areas of their life. Our work program allows them to learn job skills and develop a positive work history while earning a paycheck.
Orion Homes’ programming includes daily recreational and social activities, both in-home and in the community. Our goal is to empower our residents to be as independent as possible, assume responsibility for their behaviors, develop positive coping skills and learn effective communication techniques.